Modern Methodology – Cnd uv lamp

Home is the place where the heart stays and everyone wants ease and comfort in life .Modern technological invention are running at speed greater than the expectation .One such is CND led lamp and CND UV lamp for ease of domestic works.


CND lead lamp uses chromatic cure technology somewhat beneficial than UV rays to optimize light for maximum shine and lasting durability across a full spectrum of colours .

It shows full design and setting.


Both the devices differs in shape too but led lamp can be seen as more advantageous because of Target exposure ,half curing time ,alignment guides and easy to preset controls.

Moreover Cnd uv lamps are suitable for a good working conditions but due to compatibility such as 4 buttons controlling ,workable in variable voltages of 100-240 v AC and variable frequency, led lamp is more preferred. However bulbs can’t be changed in CND led lamp ,but has more longevity.

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