Ceiling light medallions – make your light natural

Ceiling light medallions help calm your body’s desire for sunlight. Also, some unique natural lighting lamps are designed for additional use as an alarm clock. They wake you up gently to a slowly brightening light.


Ceiling light medallions produce light analogous to that outdoors. They work with the simulation of sunlight hence helping you wake up smoothly with a gradually intensifying light.

These unique natural lighting lamps comprise a programmable timer which fully illuminates your home within fifteen or thirty minutes.

Power Efficient

Ceiling light medallions can be used at home or in workplaces similar to other lights. The only distinction is that the bulb used in these lamps produces a light-level that is comparable to the light outdoors during the day.

Nowadays, different natural lighting lamps are available which offer natural full spectrum light facility which stimulates the daylight inside. Natural lighting lamps use minimal power hence are ideal for lighting up home.

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