Should You Install a Wall Timer Light Switch in Your Home?

There’s more than one reason you should install a wall timer light switch in your home. In fact, any modern home could make do with this switch. We explore some of the benefits of installing one in your home.

Increased Convenience

Mounting wall timer light switch in your house allows you to control electronic appliances in your house automatically. In simpler terms, you don’t have to bother about switching on/off appliances such as water heaters. That way, you can concentrate on other household chores.


Statistics indicate that thieves are likely to break into your home if the lights are off. It therefore means that wall timer light switch can keep intruders off your premises. How about that!

Helps You Save Money

A wall timer light switch lets you switch on lights in your home at schedules times. You can, for instance, set the switch to only work at night. In effect, you can save on electricity bills more so when you’re not home.

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