10 hoots fot the Owl lamps

Owls are mysterious creatures of the night and what is a better idea than making lamps in their shapes. The representation is perfect the lamps are switched on at night and also the owls are active during the night.

The owl shaped lamps are also a benefit if you consider Feng Shui. It is said to bring in a serene atmosphere and wisdom.


There are multiple designs and colours in which the owl lamps are available. Each type could suit a different place. The great white owl could be placed in the children’s room making a reference to harry potter and if you go through each design you’ll come up with great ideas.

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The owl shaped lamps are suited for both outdoors and indoors. The bird-shaped lamp can be placed around a fake nest to make it more realistic. This all depends on your creativity. Placing it alone also will do the job. The owl lamps are however best placed at high points hence making the owl effect real.

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See also  Light up naturally with lotus lamps

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