How to make a lava lamp with a water bottle

Lava lamps are super cool lamps which look like they have been stolen from the future. It is a night lamp which contains some fluid and wax in side the lamp for some special effects .

These lamps do cost some money , so here is quick DIY project which helps you to make a simple yet a beautiful lava lamp.


This is a simple lava lamp which you can make using stuffs from your house.

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  • A clean and transparent water bottle
  • Some vegetable oil
  • Some food color
  • Water
  • Effervescent tablet(like Alka-Seltezer).
  • A light source (like LED strips)

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  1. Take a clean and transparent bottle and fill one fourth of the bottle with water
  2. Add some food coloring to the water , you may choose any color you want
  3. Now gently pour the vegetable oil into the bottle, remember to leave some gap at the top
  4. Place the bottle on the LED strip and power up the LED .
  5. This is the fun part no break the alka-seltezer tablet in to 4 pieces and add them to the bottle and close the bottle . Now sit back and enjoy your home mad lava lamp.

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