Himalayan salt rock lamps – when light and salt mix Himalayan

My frequent visits to the pharmacy to buy asthma drugs are on the decline. My pharmacist has noticed, I let him in one the secret, my Himalayan salt rock lamps.


Writing my book has been a stressful activity. I stare blankly at the blinking cursor , my fingers tweeting, taking frequent coffee breaks to jump start the flow of content. I place my Himalayan salt rock lamps on my desk and now am relaxed with a buzz of energy, as content flows.


In my excitement that am about to complete my book project, I can’t seem to get a nap but when I place my big,rough surfaced, orange coloured Himalayan salt rick lamp on my bedstand I easily drift into dreamland.
My office is equiped with electronic equipment , I am exposed to electro magnetic radiation. I need to carry my Himalayan salt rock lamp to work.

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