Algae lamp – totally new type of eco-friendly lamp!

Modern day individuals are progressively mindful of ecological issues however frequently don’t know how they can settle for better decisions. Now we are presenting green algae lamp, appealing to look at, odorless, simple and naturally benevolent.

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Natural soothing lighting with Eco-friendly benefits

The beauty of algae lamps light creates a romantic ambience in a room bringing in naturally soothing atmosphere. And due to fact that they are naturally occurring make them blend comfortably into most room setting creating a natural aura.

And more importantly they are able to convert carbon dioxide to oxygen thus can be used in air polluted city apartment rooms giving immense health benefits to residents.

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Self sufficient

These Algae powered lamps do not require electric power and thus totally self-sufficient, working through a process wherein all the energy created through photosynthesis is gathered and put away in a battery that powers the light at night.

You should simply hang the light in a sunny spot so that the algae can collect energy.
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