25 reasons why you should consider a Williams wall furnace pilot light

For those not familiar with the product and what it does, a pilot light is a gas flame mostly natural gas whose purpose is igniting a gas burner more powerful than itself.

Williams wall furnace pilot lights were used my home owners to show that gas energy is available. They were applied in water heaters, fireplaces, flamethrowers, ovens and many more common household appliances.


If you are considering installing a pilot light in your home and not sure of what benefits you as a user gets then let me provide you with some of the benefits included with the purchase.

Natural gas is clean-burning fuel this making it more environmentally friendly and reduces the amount of ash in your homeNatural gas heats up quickly and gets quite hot.


Natural gas furnaces can be very energy efficient

Williams wall furnace pilot lights dealing mostly with highly flammable liquids have a wide range of safety features guaranteed to keep your home safe.

Some of the safety features which are common in most pilot lights include:

  • Mercury sensors for detecting the heat emitted by the pilot light.
  • When by chance the pilot gas goes off a photo resistor detects that there is no light being emitted from the pilot lights and automatically shuts the gas valve.
  • A present flame rectification device.
  • A thermocouple which when the light goes out cools the pilot light down and closes the gas valve as it generates electric current used for holding the gas valve open.


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For the Williams wall furnace pilot light which are created to provide users with a wide array of benefits some of them including; compact furnaces with no electricity required, low cost and easy installation, build in guards to prevent birds from getting into the vents.

A combustion chamber which is ceramic coated to provide long life, controls for safety and temperature being automatic and lastly made with a finish which is attractive, scratch resistant and durable.

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