10 facts to know about Science fair lava lamp

Some years back, there were only ceiling bulbs and table lamps. But with style and innovative revolution of science fair lava lamp hitting in every aspect of human life, bulbs section also have undergone modernization.

Keeping in mind the typical lights, interior designers are drafting bewildering variety of science fair lava lamps. These types of lamps have the following advanta.

Easy to clean

This kind of science fair lava lamps does not throw maintenance tantrums unlike other ceiling lights. Ceiling lights or bulbs are usually out of your hand reach, so while cleaning you need to arrange some ladder to climb up to it and then clear it parts.

But science fair lava lamps are within your limit; you can easily shift it to the cleaning area and then wipe it down time to time with the help of a damp cloth to knock out the dirt and dust.

No electrician call

While planning to install ceiling lamps you need to invite in an electrician. Because it is the electrician who will do the necessary wiring, fix the socket and then install the bulb, so huge expense line up and lump amount of technical work to accomplish.

But a floor lamp is advanced; you can fix it to any corner of your place, just like any other pedestal fan or simple mobile charger. No electrician, no added expense.


Now we can see the real bunch of advantages associated with the science fair lava lamps, so without wasting your time, just go to a light décor shop and choose your ultimate one.

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