Easy and Glamorous Diy outdoor wedding lighting

Oh! Weddings are beautiful and what makes them more pretty is the shine of the lights. These are some creative diy outdoor wedding lighting ideas that are easy to do but they look too glam!

Canopy Lights are very simple to do but look how sweet and romantic it looks in the photos! It can be used for a really charming setting for your rehearsal dinner.

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Forest Themed Setting

Just jumble up few strings of diy outdoor wedding lighting in the pathway and it looks like a jungle. It looks right out a fairy tale and so pretty. It’s chic for an evening or night wedding.

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Candles Candles Everywhere

You can use either a nice candle installation or lots of LED candles together for an evening or a night wedding, it lends a soft vibe and makes everything magical.

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You can use subtle chandeliers with purple diy outdoor wedding lighting. It makes the setting dreamy and romantic.

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Wrap Fairy lights around things

You can either use a bird cage, a cane lamp or any other thing that can be hanged, fairy lights can make everything look pretty Bottles or Mason Jars with Lights in them.

Whether glass bottles, mason jars or normal jars-you can have a setting with fairy lights inside them which looks sweet. It can be done at entrance decor, inside at a dedicated corner or hanging from a tree in the garden.

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Suspended Retro Bulbs

Loads of suspended 70s bulbs together can give the decor a Starry night feel.

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See also  Globe light string outdoor - the best outdoor light for your garden

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