10 adventiges of Brushed chrome ceiling lights

Chrome ceiling lights are beautiful on their own, but you still need to make sure they match and work well with other fixtures, especially those with visible metals. It’s best to stick to all-chrome or all-metal in the same vein.

Mixing different finishes like chrome, copper, gold, and bronze can work, but it takes a very keen eye to pull it off. If you’re not careful, it could end up looking like a jumble and a mistake.


Even if you do use just chrome ceiling lighting along with chrome fixtures and accents throughout the room, try to keep the look the same. Stick with either shiny finishes or brushed, textured finishes that have less of a shine. If you stick with one particular look, it’s easy to end up with a room that looks perfectly designed.

Silvery-looking chrome really reflects light, so if you use it in a light-colored room you get a very airy and almost transparent look. It’s ideal for a bright and glowing decor.


Brushed Chrome ceiling lights and other fixtures are also very low-maintenance. Polishing or shining the chrome every 6 months to a year is enough to keep it looking good since you won’t have to worry about the surface corroding, tarnishing or rusting.

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