Easy way on How to change a lamp socket

A lamp socket can get worn after some time, and that can be an irritation. Try not to discard the lamp since it is a simple repair, and this guide will demonstrate to you how.

Here are some simple steps on how to change a lamp socket.

Safety and Preparation and Removing the old Lamp Socket

The first thing you’ve to do to  answer on How to change a lamp socket – is to unplug the lamp. Regardless of the possibility that it is dead, attempting to supplant a socket with it connected to can at present be dangerous.

Expel the lamp shade and the light knob from the socket and the lamp. At the lamp base will be a heap of wires framed in a tangle which you can unfasten. You can now remove the harp.

Grip the socket shell and tenderly shake it as you force upward. After applying little effort, it will fly off. You’ll have the capacity to see the wires attached to the lamp socket.

Utilize the screwdriver to extricate the screws (don’t expel them) and evacuate the wires. Dispose of the old socket. You need to remove the screw below the base of your lamp, and after that, you can evacuate the socket base.

Installing back the Lamp Socket

Cut the wires and strip away around an inch of the casing. Part the wires doing no damage to the casing. Slide the hostage ring over the wires. Slacken the screws on the socket and wrap a wire around each screw and fix. Wrap electrical thick tape around them.

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Completing the Installation

Supplant the socket shell. Screw the new socket into the base. Fix the screw bolt. Tie the base wires, introduce the harp, knob, and shade. Now you know How to change a lamp socket.

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