Standing chandelier floor lamp – 17 tempts to catch the drift

Indoor lighting can be one of the most troubling tasks you can do, but it can also be fun. The huge range of choices, you have to fill your room with some amazing lighting, is a task that one can enjoy. From standing chandelier floor lamps to ceiling lights, the choice you have is enormous so here are 3 ways you can make it easier when lighting your room.

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Which one suits you best?


Lamps come in all shapes, shades and sizes so it can be difficult to choose which one suits you best. One way to go is to go simple, a lava lamp! Nothing too fancy and elegant, just something which is attractive to the eye and comforting. Pair this with a ceiling lamp and a comfort lamp and you’re room will be looking as trendy as ever!


Look in modern way


Wall lights are little more complicated to style as they are so many different types, from candle lights and lamp shades hanging off the wall to box lights which are fixed to the wall. If you’re looking to be a little more modern then maybe try a wall washer or wood wall light. Whereas, if you’re looking for something a little more traditional, then a shade which is secured to a wall fixing would be perfect.


Mainstream types


The most common form of room lighting is the ceiling light. Traditional shades or extravagant standing chandelier floor lamps are the mainstream types, but if you’re looking to set yourself apart then you may want to try something a little different. A wine bottle ceiling light is something which will go down great with your friends, whilst also being very appealing to the eye, although may create some tempt if you catch the drift. A wine bottle ceiling light is something original and unique which will give your living room, not only the lighting it needs but also, an extremely appealing view of your favourite drink.

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standing chandelier floor lamp



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