10 adventiges of Small bathroom ceiling fans

My bathroom is literally a small heaven on earth. I don’t know how you feel about this but for me, my bathroom is more than just a rest room. Besides easing myself I always find it a conducive environment for meditation, planning for the day, reading newspaper or magazines and praying.


So, like any other part of the house bathrooms needs to be well ventilated, clean with a fresh smell to keep the bacteria away. Having small bathroom ceiling fans fixed in your bathrooms has a number of benefits.

First, it gives enough air circulation in the bathroom, it removes undesired odor and lastly, it makes the place cool and dry. Small bathroom ceiling fans come in different shapes and styles, all you have to consider before buying one is the size, the number of blades and bathroom ceiling height.


Bathrooms are usually a small area, so a small fan with three blades should be a perfect fit for most of the bathrooms. You cal also decided to have the ones the metal blades or wooden blades.

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