Quartz lamps – The best soothing lamps

Do you need accessories that provide soft and relaxing light, attract the eye and calm the senses? Do you need to create a distinctive atmosphere in your home? Then quartz lamps are the perfect choice for you.


You should consider the following:

  • Orange color- dark coloured lamps are considered to be of high quality.
  • Size- smaller quartz lamps are much less expensive
  • Bulb- the hygroscopic benefits are due to salt and heat together so it is important to use heat producing bulb.



1. Great Night Light and Low Light Lamp

Quartz lamps offer you a soft and warm glow of light thus the perfect source of light for the evening. You an also use them as night light without affecting your sleep in a negative way.

2. Light and Color Therapy Benefits

If you want to boost your mood and energy levels, quartz lamps are the perfect choice for you. You can use the soft color of the quartz lamp to calm your mood and increase focus since they provide a soothing atmosphere.

3. Improve Air Quality

Quartz lamps are not a spectacular source of negative ions,thus air improvement in your home. They attract pollutants in the air and neutralize the effects of electronics.

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