Diwali lamps – 10 evolutions in the styling and design

Diwali is always a special time for the Hindu community. It’s a time when friends and families come together to share in various religious proceedings and to also feast, exchange gifts, and just make merry.

The festival has always been characterized by a lot of cheer and viva. From the beautiful fireworks which burst out intermittently from various homes to splendid indoor lighting and decorations, there’s an indisputable wave of excitement in the air whenever Diwali is being observed.

One of the key things you can do to make your Diwali special and memorable is to have great Diwali lamps. Nothing rivals a fabulous lamp when it comes to putting everyonein the spirit of Diwali. It is the row of lamps neatly arranged on the floor or any other place that tell people that it is the great season of Diwali and they all should enjoy it.

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Choosing a Diwali lamp

The passing of time has seen an evolution in the styling and design of Diwali lamps. There are nowadays many varieties of Diwali lamps in the market such that it can be difficult to decide on what to buy or not when this special season approaches. When embarking on buying Diwali lamps, it is advisable to first look up Diwali lamp images on the internet or magazines to help you have an idea of what to buy. After doing so, you can then consider these four factors to help you choose an ideal Diwali lamp:

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The styling and make of a Diwali lamp is very important. It determines the aura and look of your house during this special season. You can decide to go for modern styles for a brilliant and cheerful look or vintage styles to give you all a rare traditional Hindu experience.

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The material from which a lamp is made determines its appeal. Ceramic clay for example offers a classic look whereas metal portrays modernity and sophistication. You can also go for wooden lamp if you wish for uniqueness.

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The color of the lamp determines the overall feel of the house. Brilliant colored lamps liven up the entire atmosphere whereas dull colored lamps just translate into an ordinary feel. It is advisable to go for colors such as yellow, orange, red, fuschia, and bright green among others. These colors help brighten up the entire house and make your Diwali special. You can choose to go either for a single colored lamp or a multicolored lamp for even more excitement.


Lamp casing

The encasement of a Diwali lamp is important. It determines how brilliantly the lamp burns and how trendy or unique it looks. There are various encasements to choose from. These include glass encasements, acrylic encasements, clothe coverings, and even metallic cases among many more. You can choose from these depending on what best appeals to you.



It is important to have the lamp lit and ascertain its brilliance before you get to buy it. If you’re buying a lamp online, you should check out its image when it’s lit to ensure you buy a lamp that is bright enough.

Putting the factors above into consideration in addition to any other ideas you may be having, you can get to buy ideal Diwali lamps and make your festival special and memorable.





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